Monday, September 30, 2019
To Investigate Importance Of Physical Architecture Essay
The essay aims to look into importance of physical and non spacial facets and their interrelatedness thru series of geographic expeditions and apprehension by instance surveies ( Old market square Nottingham and St John churchyard Hackney ) with theoretical statements.At the terminal paper would happen out cogency of selected theoretical statements about the physical and non physical facets. Further the interrelatedness of the of these facets will research.The selected cased surveies are Market square Nottingham and St John God's acre, Hackney, London. ââ¬ËMany interior decorators and designers regard public infinite as the publically owned empty spots between edifices. Many of these infinites are useless or unsafe and abandoned, with the consequence that ââ¬Ëthis renders their definition as public infinite nothing and nothingness ( Worpole and Greenhalgh, 1996 ) This essay besides opposes the generic manner of thought of planning and designing of the unfastened infinites sing merely physical properties of design. This essay besides advocates wholly different position for sing the unfastened infinite and non the stereotype impression of aesthetic, beautification, take a breathing infinite, or lungs infinite. ââ¬ËThe Parkss are volatile infinites and tend to runs to the extremes of popularity and unpopularity ââ¬Ë ( Jane Jacob 1960 ) . Open infinite is unstable entity and quiet unpredictable in many ways, and have much more significance than mere take a breathing infinite or lung infinite or merely to fulfill the unfastened infinite norm set by the town planning or development control ordinance. ââ¬ËThere are far excessively many unfertile place and windswept corners that are infinites left over from another map ( such as traffic circulation or natural lighting demands for tall edifices ) .This phenomenon is Sometimes referred to as ââ¬ËSLOAP ââ¬Ë ââ¬â infinite left over after be aftering ââ¬Ë . ( Henry Shaftoe 2008 ) Open infinite planning and planing inherently critical compared to other edifice or land uses this has lowest grade of the spacial excitations but can be highly vulnerable if non decently thought. This essay arranged to flux from the theoretical to practical. Attempts to bring out the facets that constitute public infinites.1.2 Defining and understanding Open infiniteOpen infinite has different reading for interior decorator and designer and the end-users. The town and state planning act defines it as ââ¬Ëland laid out as a public garden, or used for the intents of public diversion, or land which is a obsolete entombment land ââ¬Ë . This definition is consequence of academic or what town contriver & A ; architect feels about the public infinite as public garden or infinite for diversion can non specify holistically. Conversely Gehl defined the unfastened infinite on the footing of the activity forms and more users centric. ââ¬ËAn sphere allows for different types of activities embracing necessary, optional, and societal actives ââ¬Ë ( Gehl 1987 ) . However Walzer ââ¬Ës definition is more inclusive and holding societal dimension, he says Public infinite is infinite where we portion with aliens, Peoples who are n't our relations, friends or work associates. It is infinite for political relations, faith, commercialism, athletics ; infinite for peaceable coexistence and impersonal brush. Its character expresses and besides conditions our public life, civic civilization, mundane discourse Walzer ( 1986 ) The above reading gives different virtuousnesss of the unfastened infinite and establishes importance of it.Chapter 2. Discussion of Theories and PrinciplesThis chapter would cover about statements of the spacial and non spacial facets of the public infinite. Kavin lynch ââ¬Ës theory about the ocular facets of the ocular facets of the cityscapes easiness with which its parts can be recognized and can be arranged in to coherent form ( Lynch 1960 ) . However Henry Shaftoe argues ââ¬ËPeople want coherency and a sense of safety in public infinites, but they do n't desire blandness ââ¬Ë ( Kaplan and Kaplan 1989, Marsh 1990 ) . I would state topographic point devising should see both facets as they are every bit contribute for doing the topographic point societal sustainable. I would wish to confirm with Rasmussen statement who says ââ¬ËIt is non adequate to see architecture ; you must see it ââ¬Ë ( Rasmussen 1959 ) ââ¬ËSensuous demands may co-occur or conflict with other demands but can non be separated from them in planing or judgment, nor are they ââ¬Ëimpractical ââ¬Ë or simply cosmetic, or even nobler than other concerns. Feeling is indispensable to being alive ââ¬Ë . ( Lynch 1971p189 ) Lynch statements are pro aesthetic or pro physical development but harmonizing to him the physical scene is strong plenty to make the sense of the topographic point. Other observer differs with Lynch ââ¬ËIf our apprehension is limited to a ocular apprehension, we merely concentrate on forms. If, nevertheless, we go beyond visual aspects, we start a spacial apprehension, a three dimensional experience. We can come in this infinite, instead than merely see it. The same applies to the design of infinites. We do non make mere visual aspects but infinites that we can utilize for different intents ââ¬Ë . ( Madanipour 1996 p99 ) . The undertaking for public infinite has put frontward Ten Principles for Creating Successful Squares. However it would be hard to use this rule universally as said earlier Open infinite is unstable entity and is affected by socio- economic system, political relations, and human ecology and other societal ailments or good qualities. Generalised attack for planning and planing unfastened infinite may non work as the unfastened infinite is alone in many ways. Further Ali Midanapour expressed concern over planing without understanding the world. ââ¬ËThis position of design, as an elitist, artistic endeavor which has no relationship to the existent, day-to-day jobs of big subdivisions of urban societies, has led to the decrease of urban design to a ocular activity ââ¬Ë ( Ali Midanapour 1997 ) . Similar to above statement Henry Shaftoe emphasis on the psychological dimension /non spacial dimension of the unfastened infinite ââ¬ËPublic infinites serve a figure of practical maps, being topographic points for trading, meeting, conversing, resting and so on. Yet there is an extra dimension to public infinite ââ¬â it can carry through certain psychological demands every bit good as strictly physical 1s. By ââ¬Ëpsychology ââ¬Ë in this context, I mean anything that affects our behavior or feelings. ( Henry Shaftoe 2008 ) From the above treatment one may feel that there something more than physical dimension, which makes public infinite socially sustainable infinite. As infinite is an enclosing component and it encloses the activity. Activity is non needfully being merely physical enclosure centric.Chapter 3. The Research Questionââ¬ËDo merely aesthetically fulfilling public infinite can organize the socially sustainable infinites ââ¬Ë ? The research inquiry would research the interrelatedness of the non spacial dimension with spacial one in designing of the unfastened infinite. Underpinnings and rules of the doing successful infinites would be tested on the real-time instance surveies to formalize the statements. The testing of the theoretical hypotheses may give us the being of the non design facets and their importance. The inquiry besides explores how intentional public infinites matched to the cross subdivision of the society.3.1 Framework for probe.Since the research inquiry demands geographic expeditions qualitative and quantitative facets. The of import virtuousness of the instance survey would be ocular study, thru which I would look into the both physical and non physical facet of the instance survey. ââ¬ËOnly through eternal walking can the interior decorator absorb into his being the true graduated table of urban infinites ââ¬Ë ( Edmund Bacon 1975 ) . The recognizance study would be distributed over weekends weekdays and different period of a twenty-four hours. Further the instance survey would look into the qualitative facet of the study through people perception study. The probe of non spacial facets would be done by Reconnaissance study and the Study of tenancy in different period of hebdomad and different period of twenty-four hours. Besides examines the tenancy in gay and non gay season. Non spacial facets would be done by semi structured interviews with end-users to cognize what they feel about public infinite what is missing. What is the factors attractive force or repulsive force to the unfastened infinite? Their aspirations about the unfastened infinite. Due to restriction of the academic paper the sample of size of the instance surveies would be little. However the series of ocular geographic expedition and reconnaissance study would bridge the spread.3.2 Case surveiesThe instance surveies for the testing are Nottingham old market square and St. John church viridity. Idea of choosing these instance surveies is they portion similarities in many ways, some of them are postulated below.Surrounded busy commercial country.Cardinal location of the metropolis and country i.e. east London.Heritage structures around like church and St.Augustine tower in footings of Hackney, town hall and Municipal council office.Areas offer Transport connectivity to the remainder of the metropolis or country.Nottingham Old market Square Area of the old market square is 4,400m2, quiet geometrical ( i.e. inner square approximately 100 x44 m ) . The natural topography of the original medieval square is exploited in the design by gradual degrees for wheel chair users and for drainage flow. The council house forms the border of the northern border of the market square Figure 1 The study demoing the solid and null country of the market square The enclosure of the market square is formed by constructing about. Inner Square is bounded by the commercial, constitution ââ¬Ës coffeehouse, restaurants and branded supermarkets via Debenhams. Outer ring of the pedestrianised on North and east side portion of the Square. Strategically located in the bosom metropolis commercial country the edifice has utilised about 100 % of the secret plan are. The country around the market square represents all right grained development.3.3 Case study no-1 The St John Church Yard -Hackney LondonArea of the public infinite ââ¬â 3.83 hour angle. The St John Church Yard -Hackney London is outstanding pubic infinite in Hackney cardinal. A mixture of different infinites, the gardens provide a formal scene for the church and Clapton Square to the North. The public infinite is isolated from the from the busy Mare street. From part majorly utilised for the inactive diversion and rear countries constitutes the kids play country. The St. John Church and St. Augustine tower is major landmark of the country helps in voyaging prosaic traffic.3.4 Discussion of instance surveies illations and theory3.4.1 Amenities-ââ¬ËA square should have comfortss that make it comfy for people to utilize.A bench or waste receptacle in merely the right location can do a large difference in how people choose to utilize a topographic point ââ¬Ë ( 2009 ) . However Urbanist William H. Whyte ââ¬Ës suggested more ââ¬Ëflexible attack ââ¬Ë harmonizing to him ââ¬Ëin public infinites, people prefer movable chairs to repair seating. Peoples like to command their ain infinite, and movable chairs allow them to make merely that. Movable chairs let people face one another and interact in different ways. ââ¬Ë ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) This suggests that planing the unfastened infinites should be sing mind of larger subdivision of the society and non merely what landscape interior decorator ââ¬Ës want. Harmonizing to H. Whyte maintaining the scattered would direct a message of trust that people will non steal them. Conversely, since the unfastened infinite is affected by the society ailments and frailty versa, this besides can non be generalised rule.3.4.2 Seasonal Strategy ââ¬â Is programme is overmastering than infinite?ââ¬ËSuccessful Square ca n't boom with merely one design or direction scheme ââ¬Ë . ( 2009 ) . This statement is quiet valid in many ways, public needs to alter or accommodate as per the seasons. In absence of the seasonal scheme may ensue underutilisation of the infinite in certain period of twelvemonth. The seasonal scheme is good demonstrated in Old market square Nottingham. Figure 6 Shows the wheel of Nottingham by and large opens from February to stop of April. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Figure 5 Shows the ice skating sphere and German market is chief attractive force in the winter. During Christmas the infinite is filled with activities and peoples. The seasonal scheme is programme that is implemented. The seasonal schemes non merely do the best use but besides generate activities throughout the twelvemonth.Further makes infinite more economically sustainable and can be managed good. This rule can be supported with Henry shaftoe ââ¬Ës statement, he says ââ¬ËAs a species we are sociable animate beings who like to garner in groups or battalions. Therefore, when we see people like us lingering in a infinite, we are attracted to it, over and above any physical or environmental attractive forces that the topographic point may hold ââ¬Ë . ( Henry Shaftoe 2008 ) On the other manus the Hackney does n't show as stronger seasonal scheme or programme. Therefore ST.John God's acre is n't able generate activities to pull the people. Even if Hackney church pace has appealing landscape gardening, the heritage construction Church and St. Augustine tower, locality to the busy market street and strategic positing. However the scheduling limited for the certain period of clip of twenty-four hours but he country around the market square is chiefly commercial so this country becomes dull and inactive so leads to less perceptual experience of safety.3.4.3 Flexibility and Adaptabilityââ¬ËThe usage of a square alterations during the class of the twenty-four hours, hebdomad, and twelvemonth. To react to these natural fluctuations, flexibleness demands to be built in. Alternatively of a lasting phase, for illustration, a retractable or impermanent phase could be used. Likewise, it is of import to hold on-site storage for movable chairs, tabular arraies, umbrellas, and games so they can be used at a minute ââ¬Ës notice ââ¬Ë . ( 2009 ) . The principal of flexibleness and adaptability can been seen in the old market square. The H2O characteristic of the old market square is 1.8 thousand H2O autumn, rivulets and 53 jets and a scrim, arranged as patios. This H2O characteristic can be turned off and used as phases or impermanent screening countries. Five listed lanterns and two flag poles have besides been refurbished and integrated into the new strategy.3.4.4 Peoples pulling people or steering physical properties of public infiniteââ¬ËAny great square has a assortment of smaller ââ¬Å" topographic points â⬠within it to appeal to assorted people. These can include out-of-door caf & A ; eacute ; s, fountains, and sculpture, â⬠¦ ( ) However Henry shaftoe argues ââ¬ËAs a species we are sociable animate beings who like to garner in groups or battalions. Therefore, when we see people like us lingering in a infinite, we are attracted to it, over and above any physical or environmental attractive forces that the Topographic point may hold. ( Sahftoe Henry ) . If we test above the statements on St. John God's acre, Hackney, Henry Shaftoe ââ¬Ës statement is holds cogency. Because St. John God's acre has quiet pulling physical properties such as St John church, Saint Augustine tower but still fails to pull peoples. Similarly in study one of the interviewee said, he follows the crowd for utilizing the infinite. This may because more figure of people gives perceptual experience of safety and for many users sense community is much more of import than the physical visual aspect of the scene.3.4.5 Interrelation of the Inner Square, Outer Square, and Series of Small Squaresââ¬ËVisionary park contriver Frederick Law Olmsted ââ¬Ës thought of the ââ¬Å" interior park â⬠and the ââ¬Å" outer park â⬠is merely as relevant today as it was over 100 old ages ago. The streets and pavements around a square greatly affect its handiness and usage, as do the edifices that surround it ââ¬Ë . ( 2009 ) This rule is quiet right and can be seen in the Old market square as the street on the northern and eastern side are wholly pedestranised with active frontage facing towards the square. It provides surveillance and besides increases its tenancy. Further Henry Shaftoe adds new dimension of series of squares. ââ¬ËSome of the most gratifying public infinites are those that consist of a series of squares connected by short prosaic paths, so that one can roll through a series of Unfurling tableaux. ââ¬Ë ( Henry Shaftoe 2008 page figure 80 ) This hypothesis is valid in footings of market square as shown in program the Old market square is surrounded by series of smaller squares of the size ( mention fig no xxxxxx ) . Figure 6 the study demoing little public infinites around the Old market squares shown in blue. the smaller public infinites around the market squares makes people to flux into the old market square Further the grounds of interrelatedness of spacial character, graduated table and proportion are derived from how human perceive it. Kavin lynch has put frontward some dimension of the outdoor squares based on how we experience the out-of-door infinite. ââ¬Å" We can observe human being from the distance of 1200 m, recognize him at 25 m see his facial look at 14 m, and experience him in direct relation to us -present or intrusive -at 1-3 metre. â⬠( kavin lynch 1 Gary Hack2 1971 ) further he says the dimension 12 are confidant and up to 25 metre is still an easy for human graduated table This hypotheses are valid in the in the smaller squares near to the Market squares viz near to the express vacation in western side. ( 17 Wide ) And 2nd square ( as shown in phtoxxx in ) northern side 9 near to the, pizza hut etc which is 28 metre ( measured from ) .3.4.6 Natural elementsThe natural component are besides important subscriber in the in heightening the experience of the infinite. ââ¬ËThe feel of the warm zephyr, or a sudden iciness Draft, the sound of air current through the trees, or blasts of blown fall leaves waken the passer-by to the present minute. These intense experiences of alteration or difference in nature ââ¬â particularly those that are peculiarly gratifying ââ¬â may arouse shared looks of delectation and pleasance ââ¬Ë . ( Lennard and Lennard 1995 p39 ) In reconnaissance study and the semi structured interview uncovers the natural elements such as the visible radiation and shadiness of trees, thick green grass, sound of H2O adds up to the experience of infinite, so the park is non stay mere physical entity it turns in to see. And experience of the infinite makes users to see once more and once more.1.1 Summary of findings, decisionsIn visible radiation of the instance surveies and the statements of different writers it points out towards our experience of the topographic point is combination of all senses non merely ocular. This hypothesis forms the lineation of the aesthetic and environmental psychological science. There are many factors such as right graduated table enclosures sense of machination, easiness of apprehension, neither claustrophobic nor agoraphobic etc many of these factors interact in really harmonious mode. The aesthetics dominates desires believing in many ways for the simple ground it is they are visually appealing, therefore interior decorators approach is aesthetic centric and tends to overlook the non spacial facets such the noise, odor, touch, sense of topographic point The unfastened infinite phenomenon in the typically urban context is truly unstable and dynamic. In my sentiment handling the unfastened infinite more carefully and non merely left over or take a breathing or lungs infinite or merely attractive unfastened infinite, it much more than that. As designer we should non enforce individualized thought on the unfastened infinite as terminal users are one who makes it successful. The physical enclosure of public infinite is one that starts the interaction and non design facets are besides moving as accelerator to organize socially sustainable infinite. The essay restriction being academic survey and research more by increasing sample size and besides clip restriction. Reconnaissance study and user ââ¬Ës perceptual experience study with bigger sample size and including representative of cross subdivision of society i.e. based on age group ethnicity, physically handicapped etc distributed over the twelvemonth. We may non get at definite solutions or exact constellation of what unfastened infinite should or should non hold but planing of unfastened infinite maintaining users psyche in foreground would decidedly give the hints for planing the socially sustainable unfastened infinites Safety and Regulation of use of infinite Puting things together after every chapterMentionsThe winning design ââ¬â ââ¬ËThe Defender of the City ââ¬Ë hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 2 -1-2010 4.30 autopsy )Gustafson Porter. ( 2008 ) . ââ¬Ëthe Guardian of the City ââ¬Ë . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 3 Jan 2010 4.30am.Hackney Council. ( Mar 09 ) . Draft Interim Hackney Central Area Action Plan. Avilable: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 3 Jan 2010 p114 )Andrew M. Manshel. ( 2009 ) . A Topographic point Is Better Than a Plan. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 1 January 2010.Shaftoe. H ( 2008 ) . Convivial Urban Spaces: Making Effective Public Places. London: Earthscan.p. 51Lynch. K ( 1960 ) . The Image of the City. 15th erectile dysfunction. Cambridge: MI T Press. p2, 49,81.Lynch.K, Hack K ( 1984 ) . Site Planning. 3rd erectile dysfunction. Cambridge: MIT Press. P.157, 158Bacon E ( 1975 ) Design of Cities. Thames & A ; Hudson, LondonWorpole K and Greenhalgh L ( 1996 ) . The Freedom of the City. Demos: London. p14.Jacobs. J ( 1961 ) . The Death and Life of Great American Cities: The failure of town planning. 3rd Ed. New York: Random House. p88Gehl, J. ( 1987 ) Life between Buildings: Using public infinites, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold p. 2, 3, 85Walzer, M. ( 1986 ) ââ¬ËPublic Space: Pleasures and Costss of Urbanity ââ¬Ë , Dissent 33, 4: 470-475.Rasmussen S.E ( 1959 ) . Experiencing Architecture. London: Chapman and Hall. P 33.Madanipour, A. ( 1997 ) . ââ¬ËAmbiguities of Urban Design ââ¬Ë , Town Planning Review. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. p 363-367.Gallacher P ( 2005 ) Everyday Spaces: The potency of neighbourhood infinite. Thomas Telford, London Edmund Bacon 1975( Lennard and Lennard 1995 p39 Carmel, CA: Go ndolier Press, à ©1995 )
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Female Stereotypes in the Media Essay
Persons with Disabilities Media Portrayals of Girls and Women: Introduction We all know the stereotypesââ¬âthe femme fatale, the supermom, the sex kitten, the nasty corporate climber. Whatever the role, television, film and popular magazines are full of images of women and girls who are typically white, desperately thin, and made up to the hiltââ¬âeven after slaying a gang of vampires or dressing down a Greek legion. Many would agree that some strides have been made in how the media portray women in film, television and magazines, and that the last 20 years has also seen a growth in the presence and influence of women in media behind the scenes. Nevertheless, female stereotypes continue to thrive in the media we consume every day. This section of the site provides a snapshot of the issues around the mediaââ¬â¢s portrayal of women and girlsââ¬âfrom effects on body image and self-identity to ramifications in sports and politics. It looks at the economic interests behind the objectification and eroticization of females by the media as well as efforts to counter negative stereotyping. And it provides the latest articles and studies that explore the ways in which media both limit and empower women and girls in society. Media Portrayals of Men and Masculinity: Introduction ââ¬Å"When I was born, they looked at me and said: ââ¬ËWhat a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy! ââ¬Ë And when you were born, they looked at you and said:ââ¬â¢What a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl! ââ¬Ëâ⬠ââ¬Å"What A Good Boy,â⬠The Barenaked Ladies For several decades now, media critics and feminists alike have been examining the role of the media in creating and reinforcing stereotypical representations of women and femininity. But only recently have they expanded the research to consider how the media also construct, inform and reinforce prevalent ideas about men and masculinity. This section addresses the representation of men and masculinity in the media. It covers topics such as media stereotypes, the prevalence of male characters in TV and film, and male authority in media news coverage; and it addresses the role that the media play in shaping attitudes about masculinity. The section also provides links to articles and reports on these topics. Media Portrayals of Gays and Lesbians: Introduction Media educators Larry Gross and George Gerbner argue that the media participate in the ââ¬Å"symbolic annihilationâ⬠of gays and lesbians by negatively stereotyping them (often consigning themà to the margins of entertainment media, playing either ââ¬Å"colourfulâ⬠and ââ¬Å"flamboyantâ⬠characters or dangerous psychopaths), by rarely portraying them realistically, or by not portraying them at all. Gross and Gerbner argue that the commercial structure of the mass media limits the opportunity for representing diverse characters. Too often networks and film companies shy away from portraying gays and lesbians for fear of alienating or offending advertisers, investors, and audiences. This section addresses the portrayal of gays and lesbians in news, advertising and entertainment media. It also examines homophobia in the media, and provides examples of gay-positive media. Media on Women ââ¬â Images and Influences Itââ¬â¢s no secret that women compare themselves to the female images they see portrayed on television, film, and advertising. At both the conscious and subconscious level, these media images of women lower self-esteem and affect behavior at every age and stage of life. We know theyââ¬â¢re unrealistic, yet they exert pressure on women to conform, and influence how we live, love, work and play. Oprah Winfrey ââ¬â Talk Show Host Oprah Changed Face of Television Before Oprah, you had to look a certain way to be on TV. As a pop culture icon and media pioneer, talk show host Oprah has changed the face of television, and women (and men) love her for it.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
HR Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HR Questions - Essay Example Conducting needs assessment requires a closer evaluation of the requirements of the employee, the responsibilities to be undertaken, and the goals of the organization. Ensuring employeesââ¬â¢ readiness would necessitate establishing preparedness of the employee with regards to their motivation, drives and needs, behavior, and basic skills for undertaking current and future responsibilities. Creating a learning environment defines the training materials and resources, including monitoring and administration of the training program. The phase that indicates ensuring transfer of learning means that people involved in the training process must validate knowledge, skill and abilities that were developed through self-management, peer and managerââ¬â¢s support. Developing an evaluation plan is a measure for evaluation and performance of the training program through identification of the learning objectives, selecting an appropriate evaluation design, and undertaking cost-benefit analy sis. Selection of the training method requires determining whether traditional or e-learning methods are most effective for the organizationsââ¬â¢ goals. Finally, monitoring and evaluating the program should determine the strengths and weaknesses of the program and address the weaknesses, as required. The two flaws of the ISD model are: (1) in real life setting, organizations rarely follow the exact step-by-step process; and (2) evaluation of its effectiveness is only done at the end-time (Noe: PPT 9). A formal learning entails a planned effort for employees to gain knowledge regarding their specific job requirements. On the other hand, informal learning is a type of learning that is not structured or rigid and is based on a trial and error method, consulting colleagues, and researching for more information through electronic means. Formal training is more preferable in situations that require adherence to rigid, formalized and highly structured strategies to
Friday, September 27, 2019
Philosophy The concept of the person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Philosophy The concept of the person - Essay Example St Thomas connects the concepts of legal rights, "complete individual intellectual nature" (Clarke, 26-7) and adds the importance of 'acts of existence', to create an ideal of the person as self-possessing. It is important to note that the Christian concept of the person, as described by St Thomas, includes that of 'rights': the idea of personhood as dependant upon legal rights. Later concepts of the human involved the ideas of St Thomas to some degree: suggestions of Locke include consciousness "Whereby it becomes concerned and accountable"; that is, awareness of self which stirs a sense of responsibility. Rawls's idea of personhood is made problematic by the issue of insanity: "When we declare a man insane we cease treating him as accountablebut still our interactions with him are virtually indistinguishable from normal personal interactions unless he is very far gone in madness" (Dennett). Rawls brings up a complex subject, which goes to the very heart of the philosophy of personhood: the insane, their ability to be people, and how this affects their rights.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Event - Essay Example However, last year out of shear spontaneity and maybe a little convincing from my cousin I decided to go sky diving in San Diego. A decision I regretted until the moment I ignored the violent palpitations from my heart, took a deep breath, spread my arms and soured into the open air. The whole event began with me at home one day chatting with my cousin about what was the most daring thing we had ever done. The conversation was pointless and yet it was entertaining and stimulated our brain cells to relive the moments which we dared not revisit on a normal occasion. Some of them were a bit edited as embellishment is a part of every discussion between my cousin and I. As the darkness slowly took over we began to talk about things we thought we could never do and then sky diving came up. My cousin, who is daring in almost everything he does said that he would gladly skydive as long as I joined him. Many thoughts ran through my mind as these words entered my ears and my brain processed them. I reluctantly agreed hoping to hear the something along the lines of ââ¬Å"I was just jokingâ⬠, but it never came. Instead a date and location was set; San Diego the following Friday. On the day I remember waking up with many different thoughts in my mind, however, all them leaning towards the question, ââ¬Å"Am I really going through with this?â⬠My cousin on the other hand woke up with the excitement of a three year old at Christmas or a bride before the day of her wedding. Everything I did from then on was nervy, my hands were shaking, my appetite was missing and my breathing seemed like that of a person who was suffocating. From all the moments in my life, this was definitely one of the most memorable due to the butterflies that colonized my stomach. I was a prisoner of fear without the option or possibility to appeal. This hour of my life seemed to take place in days as I prolonged the inevitable and
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Answer to legal problem questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Answer to legal problem questions - Essay Example While in the case of Daniels V. Anderson6 involving similar facts, Daniels counter-sued by alleging that the Board failed to discharge their duty of care and diligence. The Court held that auditors and executive directors are liable in negligence since they had no mechanism in place allowing the directors to monitor the audit which contributed to failure to report the irregularities. Further, it ruled that the test for the breach of duty of care was objective. The court laid down mandatory duties for directors: to acquire basic standard of understanding of the companyââ¬â¢s business; under a continuing obligation to keep informed of the companyââ¬â¢s activities; undertake a ââ¬Å"general monitoringâ⬠of the companyââ¬â¢s affairs; and understand the financial status of the company. The case of ASIC V Rich7 affirmed the decision in Daniels8 line of cases regarding the required duty of care and skill among directors. While the case of Clark9 held that there is a ââ¬Å"co re, irreducible requirementâ⬠of involvement among directors in the management of the corporation which prohibits ââ¬Å"sleeping or passive directorsâ⬠. Applying these cases, the suit filed by the auditor against DD, WW and SS shall prosper for failure to exercise the standard of care and diligence required under S180. Their negligence caused damage to NatureWorld for failure to monitor the financial condition of the company and to conduct a ââ¬Å"general monitoringâ⬠of the companyââ¬â¢s affairs. The Corporation should file a case against the auditor, DD, WW and SS, as executive directors for breaching the standard of care and diligence required under S180, which provides a civil liability provision, for the damage incurred by the corporation brought about by such breach. Facts/Issues: One of the employees of the company, Noi Dea was negligent while conducting a tour,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
You can choose a topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
You can choose a topic - Assignment Example ch as television broadcasting and radio entertainment, marketing advertisements in newspapers and magazines and advertisement using banners and billboards (Baines, Fill, & Page, 2011). The Russ All construction limited company located in California United States is to produce steel products, design process and produce high quality components and machinery that exceed the consumer requirements. This is by employing appropriate art technology and highly skilled work force. This is to ensure production of quality goods to meet the demands of the consumers. It is also in line to ensure a healthy competition with other steel and manufacture companies. The company vision is to be the regional and international market leader in production and designs of steel products and components. Core values incorporated include customer focus, integrity, teamwork, social responsibility, professionalism and environmental responsibilities. The area to be involved for the survey is California area in United States to determine their view and perception of the products produced by the Russ All construction limited company. The reason for conducting the survey is determining the awareness among the residents of the company. The survey will also determine preference of customers to buy the products produced by the company over other companies producing similar products. The survey will later be used by the company improvement on the production, marketing process, and meeting demands of consumers for the company, to reach the desired target market (Leung, 2001). The method to be used to collect data is the use of questionnaires to the sample identified. Members in the company have been selected to conduct the survey. They are divided to groups, and they are to provide residents with the questionnaire papers to fill under guidance (Kruschke, 2010). Data for the survey was collected analyzed, and the finding presented. ââ¬ËThe Russ All construction limited company produces steel products,
Monday, September 23, 2019
MIrc (Internet Relay Chat) client Research Proposal
MIrc (Internet Relay Chat) client - Research Proposal Example In specific, this paper will discuss different features and aspects of one of the most popular internet relay chat clients, mIRC. An internet relay chat client was developed especially for Microsoft Windows by Khaled Mardam-Bey in the year 1995, (mIRC, 2008) which has been successful in establishing and proving its versatility and popularity by different features including real-time chat, file transfers, group discussions through channels, buddy lists, and a number of other features that will be discussed in this paper. According to sources, mIRC is used by more than twenty million users in different parts of the globe, and is considered one of the top ten internet applications. Interestingly, letter ââ¬Ëmââ¬â¢ in mIRC is still unknown despite of its popularity and success, whereas, IRC stands for internet relay chat in mIRC. (Miller, pp. 221) According to the creator of mIRC, a number of basic features required for an IRC client were lacking in WinIRC that is considered the first IRC client created for Microsoft Windows. Thus, he felt a need for creating mIRC that received enormous appreciation from its competitors, as well as, users around the globe, even after introduction of a number of interactive real-time chat clients on the internet. One of the major causes of mIRCââ¬â¢s popularity and success is its inexpensive price, as it costs only $20.00 per mIRC application. (mIRC, 2008) In addition, it comes with a 30-day evaluation period that allows a user to interact and benefit from its various and all the features; whereas, a number of internet chat applications disable some functions during their evaluation period. Interestingly, a user may use the application and benefit from it even after the evaluation period, which is considered another major cause of its popularity and success. According to studies, dominant scripting language of mIRC has played a vital role in the success of mIRC, as it allows the creation of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Nonverbal Communication Cod Essay Example for Free
Nonverbal Communication Cod Essay 1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers are seen in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation?
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Critical thinking Essay Example for Free
Critical thinking Essay Author suggests that all students must learn to respect others and tolerate the differences between them. One important thing she stressed is that all students must cooperate with each other in various tasks instead of being competitive. Keeping positive and cooperative attitude can resolve several problems. There are many benefits when learning in cooperation with each other. Group learning can have many advantages. Students can help each other in various tasks and they can learn from each other. Her school is full of fun, extracurricular activities, learning classes and other training activities. Students take part in different extra curricular activities. The school has different sports clubs, broadcasting clubs, speech clubs, contests, and other clubs of different cultural background. Teachers and all students participate in different sports like volleyball, basketball, tennis, hockey, soccer, baseball. It is not only the place where students are trained, but many other programs are also used to well-balance their creative activities. In addition, school also includes many tripping activities to different countries. In addition, she suggests that on weekly basis different scholarly lectures must be conducted by various scholars in order to expand the knowledge of students. Big libraries are there and each student is encouraged to participate in reading stuff. Regular reading and writing is an important part of studentââ¬â¢s learning process. These practices can sharpen their creativity and critical thinking. The aim of the school is to impart knowledge at equal level. The educational objective is to make students practical in their lives, who can help out their nation and work to be a useful candidate. Educational policies are designed very carefully to provide students with standard education and training. Each student after studying from here must understand and develop their own individuality and strengthen their aesthetic believes. Environment is open and firm relationship can be developed between classmates and teachers. Every week tests are conducted to evaluate performance of each student. Many other test taking skills programs are used to improve performance of students. In addition, other behavioral tests are done to improve studentââ¬â¢s personality. All lessons and tests are highly competent and prepare the student for future studies. Training and teaching in 3rd grade also prepares them for senior high school. Students have the facility to exercise and participate in the daily activities either in the morning or after school. Students are also encouraged to fully take part in social life to become a useful individual. Every student is advised for good health practice and hygiene to lead a healthy life. Other activities in school education must include fine arts, painting, tea party, flower arrangement, broadcasting etc. There are many other group activities to encourage students for friendly attitude, social behavior and group working. By performing various creative works they know how to work independently and responsible for various jobs. Every month there is meeting with parents to let them know their childrenââ¬â¢s performance at school. The environment of the school is very beautiful and attractive. All facilities are comfortable and fully air conditioned. The overall environment for learning is very good. Every classroom is very spacious with wide windows through which air and light can pass easily. Every student enjoys the learning environment and school life. Positive attitude among students can greatly improve learning environment. Her advice to students is exclusive and practical.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Beowulf: Symbolisms of Masculinity and Heroism
Beowulf: Symbolisms of Masculinity and Heroism Germanic warrior culture replaced the Romans as the dominant force in Western Europe beginning in the fifth century AD. They deposed merely all roman traditions and customs, superseding them with their own beliefs. The whole empire was ruined by people, who most of all praised war, manhood, and dignity. Cultural peculiarities of those people are widely reflected in the archaic epos of Anglo-Saxons, written by an unknown poet around 700AD. Beowulf is an amazing unity of motives, topics, views of various ages merged in one integral masterpiece. We could find the elements of different epic genres: elegies, other heroic stories (song about Sigmund), religious epos (song about the creation of the world). The views of tribal society are combined with feudal ethics; heroic image of a warrior is combined with the image of wise and fair ruler. The action of the poem takes place before the great migration of Germanic tribes somewhere around 500AD. The descendant of famous ancient ruler Shield Sheafson king Hrothgar of Danemark suffers from the attack of a powerful and horrible demon named Grendel. For 12 years he has been killing noble and brave men in Heorot, a great mead-hall of Hrothgar, terrorizing Danes every night, giving them no chance to fight back. ââ¬Å"Long was the time: Twelve winters time suffering endured The friend of the Scyldings, each one of woes, Of sorrows extremeâ⬠(Beowulf, 146-149) Eventually, help comes from Geatish warrior Beowulf, who sails to the land of Danes with a company of devoted men. His help is gladly accepted by Hrodgar and they happily celebrate till the night. In the night Beowulf fights Grendel unarmed and tears his arm off. Grendel creeps back to his swamp and dies there. His horrible mother wants to revenge but she is much weaker and kills only one man, who is the most respectful in Hrothgars kingdom. Beowulf volunteers to kill Grendels mother. ââ¬Å"Arise, kingdoms guardian! Let us quickly go to view the track of Grendels kinsman.â⬠(Beowulf 1390-91).He fights her in deep waters and in her lair. He kills her with a special sword, made not for ordinary humans, finds Grendel and takes his head off. When he returns, he is praised by everyone, given a lot of treasures and fame. Afterwards he returns to his land and gives all his treasures to his ruler. Beowulf becomes the co-ruler and after the death of king, he becomes the ruler for 50 years. A terrible dragon attacks his land, because one of his men robbed the treasury guarded by that dragon. Beowulf fights the dragon, kills him but gets mortally wounded. The dragons treasury is burned together with Beowulfs body. The era of wars comes to the land, when Beowulf cant unite the people anymore with his strength and wisdom. Beowulf is a treasury of historical information. It presents the major social characteristics of medieval warrior society; depict their beliefs, standards of living, relations with other nations, etc. Merely absolute domination of men in all the spheres of life was a characteristic feature of early medieval times. Women characters are mentioned only several times as wives or daughters of kings. Even strong and powerful queen Modthrytho, daughter of Herod obeys to her fathers command to marry King Offa. She tortured and killed people who she imagined were offending her. ââ¬Å"Such is not queenly custom For a woman to practice, though she be peerless, That a peace-weaver of life should deprive, On account of fierce anger, any dear manâ⬠(Beowulf, 1940-43). After marriage her character improved. Thats why all the material and spiritual values of the medieval society represent men views upon the reality. Every man was a warrior. A good warrior should be strong, successful, respected, rich and lucky. The description of king Shield Shiefson is merely and ideal image of mans life. Being an infant he rose under the sky and became true warrior and king. He had decent life, decent deat h and his treasury was vast.ââ¬Å"The earl caused terror since first he was found thus forlorn: gained he comfort for that, grew under the clouds, in honors throve, until each one of those dwelling around over the whale-road, him should obey, should tribute pay: that was a good kingâ⬠(Beowulf, 6-11). King always should be honored and respected. The idea of ultimate loyalty is very strong in the hearts of medieval people. The desire to be praised by chieftain, lord or king is very strong, because for the society of warriors king is the strongest, wisest, most powerful and honored man. He generously gives prosperity to eminent warriors and judge inexorably dishonorable men. Beowulf comes home and gives merely all his treasures to his king. ââ¬Å"To Hygelac was,in battle brave, his nephew devoted. And each to the other mindful of kindnessâ⬠(Beowulf 2169-71). The leader provides all necessary things. Kinsmen have their own property, land and money. All that is given for good military service. Warriors feast in big halls, where they praise their ruler, theirselves, their achievements and famous battles and plan future war campaigns. ââ¬Å"in time it befell Quickly with men, that it was all ready, The greatest of halls: Heort as name gave he itâ⬠(Beowulf 76-78) ââ¬Å"the warriors were living in joys Happily thenâ⬠(Beowulf, 99-100). Beowulf is an image of ideal hero, whose deeds are honored and praised. He has all features that are valued in medieval warrior society strength, courage, wisdom, loyalty, leader and military skills, dignity, self-sacrifice and devotion. He respects his comrades and treat them as equals, he is fair and zealous. ââ¬Å"do not thou refuse me, defender of warriors, Dear friend of the people, now thus far am I come,- That I may alone and my band of earls, This company brave, Heorot cleanse. (Beowulf 429-32)à This prominence is leaded by inner qualities, the strength and beauty of the soul leads to prominent deeds. ââ¬Å"Then the chief me by thine own life Adjured, sad in mind, that I in the seas flood Should do valiant deeds, should risk my life, Should honor gain; he promised rewardâ⬠(Beowulf, 2131-2134). If a person is not active, successful or determined, he might not be respected. ââ¬Å"Long he was despised, As him the Geats children did not reckon good, 2185Nor him at th e mead-bench as worthy of muchâ⬠(Beowulf, 2183-86) One can be considered as a lucky and successful person, but this luck and success if always reached by hard work and inner aspiration. Religion also plays an important role in medieval society. In ââ¬Å"Beowulfâ⬠a certain merge of religions is presented. From one hand, there are certain pagan beliefs of German tribes. From the other hand Christianity, that is revealed for example in the characterization of Grendel, who is named Cains son. ââ¬Å"Upon Cains kin that crime avenged The Lord eternal, for that he slew Abel: Joyed he not in that feud, but him afar banishedFor that crime the Creator away from mankind: Thence evil demons all were producedâ⬠(Beowulf, 107-111). Endlessly violent, illiterate and rural culture of medieval Europe contrasted greatly with literary, politically specified urban culture of Athens. There was no place for philosophical thoughts or developed political intrigues Beowulf claims that an aggressive approach to vengeance is the real warriors response .and fundamental value of warrior culture are true love and loyalty. ââ¬Å"It is better for each that his friend he avenge than that he mourn muchâ⬠(Beowulf, 1384-85). Another obvious difference is attitude to religion. Beowulf and his nation praise God, he could give blessings and inspire people. They need to be brave and act with dignity for God to take them in better world. But the only thing that will remain after warriors death is his glory and this glory is fought for the whole life. ââ¬Å"Each of us shall the end await of worldly life: let him who may gain honor ere death. That is for a warrior, when he is dead, afterwards bestâ⬠(Beowulf, 1386-89). The artists of that period were illiterate bards, who sang the poems about ancient heroes and epic battles in vast and rich halls of noble men and in small and dirty wooden halls of leaders of small tribes. The whole situation of the nation was frightening constant fights for lands, money and military power, poor social and medical condition, low level of culture , but the ideas spoken about in those epic tales were inspiring for every man. Strength to be able to protect own land and family, dignity to behave a real warrior, personal swords and armory that protects him from death and play the role ofà the most important warriors property and characteristic. Medieval times were not good-looking or pleasant. In the hard fight for new lands and freedom suffered a great number of people. The world was primitive but this unbearable spirit of manhood survived and built modern European society with its emphasis on personal liberty and the rule of law. Commentary on Luke 23:32-43 Commentary on Luke 23:32-43 SERMON COMMENTARY ON LUKE 23:32-43 Reflecting on the commentary of my sermon preached as a part of an assignment at Spurgeon College on 12 May 2014. I will be taking into account and reflecting on the hermeneutical and homiletically issues that came up both in the preparation and after the sermon. Taking a closer look at the preparation, the sermon and comments from both lecturers and fellow students, I will want to start with discussing how I came to decide on the title of sermon The three men on the cross at Calvary. As part of my commentary, I will be reflecting on how different Bible commentaries were access and utilized in the preparation for the sermon. In addition, I will be discussing on how I picked the particular structure I employed, in addition I will be reflecting on the delivery of the sermon and what I learnt from my delivery. Finally, I will reflect on what I might do differently in the future. Whenever I have the privilege of preaching to others either in a short sermon or to a large congregation, my aim as always been to be able to take my listener to a journey of connecting to the love of Christ and their rediscovery of the path that is lay before them; the path of perseverance, faith, mercy and kindness. Paul speaking to the Galatians summaries it like this, let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary[1] For an effective preaching, I believe it must come from the leading of the Holy Spirit who is also the Godhead. He inspires, teaches and guides us in the way of God the father. The aim of any preaching is to show the audience the mind of God as regarding his love and justice[2], which further passes on to the community then back to God in thanksgiving and adoration. HERMENEITICAL ISSUES The passage was to preach on was Luke 23:32-43, a very popular passage of the bible with very great event story. I took time to read the text from several other synoptic to help in understanding other writers view of the event. I took time to reflect carefully on all the other writers writings on the event. Ordinarily when looking at the passage, very strong topic will easily come to mind, which is about the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus but I believe that the Holy Spirit did not want me to take that route of preaching the sermon at this instance rather consider other importance of the event on the cross. Most of the sermons on this passage always focus on the Jesus death on cross, a very significant event that form the core of our faith but there are other lessons I believe God wants us to learn from the cross at Calvary.[3] These shape my reading in preparation for the sermon. Although the cross is the main centre of our Christianity, the cross is at the heart of the Christian faith. That is why it isthesymbol of the church. Buddhism has the lotus flower a symbol of beauty and harmony. Islam has a crescent an ancient symbol of sovereignty and power. Marxism had the hammer and sickle a symbol of industry and agriculture. Christianity has the cross. The bible is always interested in all other things of life but more important than beauty, power or the economy is the death (and then the resurrection) of Jesus. This is at the heart of everything.[4] However, God always wants to show us much more on his mysteries, he always want us to learn more about his readiness to answer our requests even at the heart of our storms and pain like the cross where three men with different situation were hanged hence the topic for the sermon, the three men on the cross at Calvary. I felt that speaking on this topic I would be more able to speak on something I am familiar with a nd a deep reflection of what I personally has experienced as relating to Gods love and answer to prayer in the face of deep pain and trials,[5] Robinson stated that the preacher cannot be separated from the message.[6] Finally, considering my audience in the instance of this sermon (fellow students and lecturers), I sensed that the topic will be relevant having listened to some of the students challenges and struggles during several of our pastoral group discussions. Clifford quoted Kelly saying, our present hope in the face of all challenges of life, suffering and death, is an effect of the resurrection[7] (the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus. He further said, if resurrection had not happened, hope would be best be a repressive optimism, or an accommodation to routine despair.[8] In a setting like our school, a theological college, sometimes the concept of God can be very technical and distant through many lectures and lot of discussions. However, focusing on my topic on the God of love who answered in desperate situation if we will look up to him in our hours of needs can be of great encouragement to my hearers and remind they that all hope is not lost regardless of the cross they are bear ing in live, family or ministry. Reading couple of commentaries and books related to the cross, I was assure that going the path I was taking regarding the cross was a possibility and it will serve as either warming or encouragement to people. Howard Marshall writes, The story contrasts the two attitudes which lead to condemnation and salvation, although it is improbable that they are meant to mirror the attitudes of Jews and pagans respectively to Jesus.[9] Crysdale writes, there is a drama as it plays itself out in the life of Christians, who confronted with Jesus crucified, finds all the evil in crete for him in a man on the cross.[10] The central focuses of the sermon are the three men on the cross representing the Christian who is going through challenges because of the faith, the two criminals on the cross and the cross. Crysdale further explains that the process of acknowledging our own self-destruction, mediated through the crucified Jesus, leads to insights into how we are not only crucifiers but also the c rucified. The more we can see the ways in which we sabotage our own flourishing, the more we are able to see how we ourselves are victims, are objects of crucifixion.[11] Luke 23:32-43 highlights numerous themes such as Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary (Luke 23:32), the forgiving Saviour (Luke 23:34), the sinners advocate (Luke 23:34), the crucified king of the Jews (Luke 23:38), A prayer of remembrance on the cross (Luke 23:43) and many more. Due to the short time given, I felt it was appropriate to focus on one rather than several. However, I am aware that Jesus Christ went to the cross to redeem the world, as Paul puts it, He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him[12] (1 Cor 5:21). I felt that naturally everyone would expect a sermon on such a very crucial topic because that is the core of our faith. In preparation for the sermon, I came up with different titles for the sermon.[13] In the end I resolved to give a title that will help my audience to listen, carefully in order to discover what is the main theme of the sermon themselves. All through the process of the preparation, I regularly remind myself to make sure I do not give the wrong meaning to the passage.[14] Base on my understanding of the passage through consultation of commentaries, reading of scholarship articles, journals and books on Luke 23:32-43 in general, I felt very confident that choosing my topic for the sermon, and by speaking on it , I should do justice to the passage. HOMILETICAL ISSUES Having decided on what I am communicating across, I then reflected on how to deliver the sermon. I am very much aware that sermons are present in different ways.[15] My aim was that my hearers would take away God as a loving God who can answer prayers if we come to him regardless of the state and time of the challenge. (Luke 23:43). My aim is to filled them with ideas and images that paint a picture of God, that answers in desperate time and desperate situation if one looks up to him and not shift the blame on others.[16] This I do, using dramatic narrative preaching with some inductive method of sermon preaching.[17] I hoped achieve this by starting with the story of betrayer of friendship, ingratitude and the pain associated with it.[18] I tried to make my hearers to look at when they were letdown, the disappointment and pain they went through. This was to get to look at Jesus though God yet a man with all the emotions and disappointment of been letdown by friends and neighbours. T he motivation was that the sermon would be pastoral sermon that is communicating the essence of the subject effectively.[19] After brief introduction on Jesus journey to Calvary with the cross and pain, I went back to the main passage (Luke 23:32-43) to lay a foundation on historical context using contemporary description of the event. Brindley states that the pastor preacher moves from hearer to the Scripture.[20] Getting to the end of my sermon, I related the sermon to our contemporary day with additional illustration and description using Matthew 7:1-4 and Hebrew 12:2. I tried not to allow the sermon to be too pastoral in other to avoid making it individualistic, which could conflict with the passage itself. Luke 23:32-43 is a message for the church today and the text can be applicable to both corporate and individual setting both back to the day of the event and to our contemporary day. REFLECTION ON THE PROCESS From feedback from both lecturers and fellow students, I felt the preaching went well because the feedbacks were positive. I was confident that I will strive in the delivery but was less confident looking at the importance of the passage and the angle of approach. I know the passage was so important that the hearers would be expecting so much particularly relating to deity of Jesus Christ on the cross instead of his human nature. I know I could stay within my text but going by the time limit, I was not sure I could stay within the allocated time given for the message. As I did not want to be rushed or be in a hurry, I decided to cut down my sermon significantly. Reflecting on how I felt it went, the feedback of both the lecturers and students, I believe that the message was well communicated to the hearers. Based on the lectures of this module as well as this particular preaching opportunity, I have learned the importance of spending time in preparing myself considering the various preaching methods accessible to me as a preacher. Reflecting on who I am preaching the sermon to, I need to be more ready to give good exegesis to the congregation I speak to in order to make the message more applicable and relevant to them. Just as in this exercise of reflecting on the sermon I gave at Spurgeons College, I have learnt that giving time to reflect on every of my sermon preach is very important and essential. Doing this helps to improve my skill of preaching and communication. CONCLUSION: It is a wonderful speaking to lecturers and students who themselves are preachers. The experience I had strengthen my confidence especially speaking to a multicultural group of different denominations. The three men on the cross of Calvary is a very wonderful and passionate message that cut across all groups of people both in the church and in world at large. In conclusion, I hope to be able to apply what I learnt both in the module and the preaching exercise constantly to my regularly preaching in my ministry. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brindley David, Story, Song and Law: The Craft of Preaching in Todays Church, (Stonehill Green: England,Bible Societies/HarperCollins, 1996) Clifford Ross, Johnson Philip, The Cross is not Enough: Living as Witnesses to the Resurrection (Grand Rapids, Michigan: BakerBooks, 2012) Crysdale Cynthia S.W., Embracing Travail: Retrieving the cross Today (Continuum: New York, The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc., 2001) Marshall I. Howard, The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Gospel of Luke (Grands Rapid, Michigan: W.B.EErdmans Publisher, 1978) Robinson Haddon W., Expository Preaching (Leicester: IVP. 1986) Latham Steve, Preaching Practice, Lecture at Spurgeons College, week 8 28.04.2014 Holloway David, The Two Criminals, A Sermon Preached on Luke 23:39-42, Mar 29, 1998 at Jesmond Parish Church. P. 2 Luke 23: 32 43 The three men on the cross at Calvary 32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. 33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminalsââ¬âone on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said,ââ¬Å"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.â⬠cAnd they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, ââ¬Å"He saved others; let him save himself if he is Godââ¬â¢s Messiah, the Chosen One.â⬠36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar 37 and said, ââ¬Å"If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.â⬠38 There was a written notice above him, which read:THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: ââ¬Å"Arenââ¬â¢t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!â⬠40 But the other criminal rebuked him. ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t you fear God,â⬠he said, ââ¬Å"since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.â⬠42 Then he said, ââ¬Å"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.â⬠43 Jesus answered him,ââ¬Å"Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.â⬠The book of Luke generally known as the Gospel according to Luke is one of the synoptic Gospel that account for Jesus birth, death, resurrection and ascension. Chapter 23:32-43 give account for the death of Jesus. Jesus after been betrayed by Judas Iscariot and concluded for crucifixion was hanged on the cross like a criminal with two thieves. The death of the cross to the Romans was a capital punishment for criminals and is likened to death sentence in todayââ¬â¢s system. Jesus as God came to earth in form of man was subject to shameful death. 1 Peter 2: 22 said, He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. Paul further said in Phil 2:5a said He humbled Himself and lived among them, helped, fed and healed them yet he was chosen for condemnation and death instead of the criminal (Barabbas). Finally, on the cross were with Him two thieves, one on the right and the other on the left. Hence, I titled this message, The three men on the cross at Calvary. In this message, it is important to understand the role played by individual on the cross. First, Jesus knew no sin yet He went through shame and humiliation to the point of praying to the Father asking why the Father had abandoned Him. As a Christian, sometimes we feel abandoned by God especially when circumstances around us are like the cross Jesus was upon. We hardly think of the reward God might be having in mind for us in such situation, Jesus after death and resurrection is now seated at the right hand of the Father. We need to understand that every good thing have a price to pay. The Father (God), paid a price for wanting to restore man back to his rightful position and the only price was to sacrifice His only begotten son (Jesus). We all have needs and wants but do not want to pay any price. Life is not all about bed of roses, obstacles are there but the truth is these obstacles are stepping stone to success in life. See any successful man today you will realise that the road towards success is not any road, very narrow and full of discouragements but only the strong get through. Jesus was betrayed, denied, rejected and despised yet in all He brought salvation to mankind. Do you want to make it in life? You might be going through rejection by families, friends and even those that are in the same situation with you. Looking at the thief on the left hand side of the cross, it shows that people in the same situation as you can sometimes look for ways of mocking, challenging or prejudging you testing your faith instead of facing their situation. If these people will take moment to consider the fact that for every cross, there is glory if they will seek the king of glory who is the saviour regardless of their situation even if they were the cause of the situation like the thief on the right side. Gods love and kindness is always available. The thief on the right side of the cross realised that he deserved to be in the situation he found himself (to die) but saw a way of escape by grasping the opportunity of salvation without procrastination and he was saved. We might sometimes find ourselves in bad and terrible situation not because God is testing our faith but due to our sins, misdeeds or stupidity. If we will come to the redeeming grace like the thief on the right side on the cross, there is assurance of salvation, peace and joy overflowing. 1 John 1:9 says, Butif we confess our sinsto him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness Regardless of your state at the cross, God is doing something even if you do not see it. It is good you look carefully within your condition. Search why God is doing what is doing, or saying in the circumstance you are in now, stop looking for the spike from others eyes neglecting with the log on yours. Then you can be sure of a ray of light at the end of your tunnel for salvation and eternal rewards as the case of the criminal who cried to Jesus for salvation. 1 [1] Galatians 6:9 NASB [2] David Brindley, Story, Song and Law: The Craft of Preaching in Todays Church, (Stonehill Green: England, Bible Societies/HarperCollins, 1996), P.2 [3] Ross Clifford, Philip Johnson, The Cross is not Enough: Living as Witnesses to the Resurrection (Grand Rapids, Michigan: BakerBooks, 2012), P.20 [4] David Holloway, The Two Criminals, A Sermon Preached on Luke 23:39-42, Mar 29, 1998 at Jesmond Parish Church. P. 2 [5] Ross Clifford, Philip Johnson, The Cross is not Enough: Living as Witnesses to the Resurrection (Grand Rapids, Michigan: BakerBooks, 2012), P.85 [6] Haddon W. Robinson, Expository Preaching (Leicester: IVP. 1986), P.24 [7] Ross Clifford, Philip Johnson, P.29 [8] Ross Clifford, Philip Johnson, P.29 [9] I. Howard Marshall, The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Gospel of Luke (Grands Rapid, Michigan: W.B.EErdmans Publisher, 1978), P.870 [10] Cynthia S.W. Crysdale, Embracing Travail: Retrieving the cross Today (Continuum: New York, The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc., 2001), P.8 [11] Cynthia S.W. Crysdale, P.9 [12] New International Version Bible [13] Such as; This is the king of the Jews [14] Steve Latham, Preaching Practice, Lecture at Spurgeons College, week 8 28.04.2014 [15] David Brindley, P.52 [16] David Brindley, P.30 [17] David Brindley, P.52 [18] Cynthia S.W. Crysdale, P.11 [19] David Brindley, P.48 [20] David Brindley, P.63
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Parents Influence on CHildren Essay -- essays research papers
When two people decide to have a child, either knowingly or unknowingly, they make a vow to raise that child to the best of their abilities. While some parents are wonderful, loving, proud parents some are hurtful, abusive both physically or mentally, or just down right evil the impact they have is immense and will determine many aspects of the child and the way he/she lives out the rest of his/her life. In my life I have both kinds of parents, my mother is the most caring, loving, proud parent I know; while my father is very abusive and hateful towards me and this has had a tremendous effect on me. à à à à à Throughout the years my mother has always been there for me and has been the one true positive factor in my life. She left my father with a 7 year old and two 3 year old children making $4.75 an hour at Walgreenââ¬â¢s. She has always defended me and helped me do many things I would not have been able to do without her help. Her love and devotion has fought many battles against my father and schools that did not care about the student but only test scores. It hasnââ¬â¢t always been easy and many years were spent with sometimes just enough money to eat, but through it all she has been a strong beacon of hope. à à à à à On the other side of life is my father, he was a man who I believed may have loved my mom at one point but he was abusive, he was an adulterer, and just down right evil. He spent many years with at his peak four girlfriends p... Parents Influence on CHildren Essay -- essays research papers When two people decide to have a child, either knowingly or unknowingly, they make a vow to raise that child to the best of their abilities. While some parents are wonderful, loving, proud parents some are hurtful, abusive both physically or mentally, or just down right evil the impact they have is immense and will determine many aspects of the child and the way he/she lives out the rest of his/her life. In my life I have both kinds of parents, my mother is the most caring, loving, proud parent I know; while my father is very abusive and hateful towards me and this has had a tremendous effect on me. à à à à à Throughout the years my mother has always been there for me and has been the one true positive factor in my life. She left my father with a 7 year old and two 3 year old children making $4.75 an hour at Walgreenââ¬â¢s. She has always defended me and helped me do many things I would not have been able to do without her help. Her love and devotion has fought many battles against my father and schools that did not care about the student but only test scores. It hasnââ¬â¢t always been easy and many years were spent with sometimes just enough money to eat, but through it all she has been a strong beacon of hope. à à à à à On the other side of life is my father, he was a man who I believed may have loved my mom at one point but he was abusive, he was an adulterer, and just down right evil. He spent many years with at his peak four girlfriends p...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Creating A Writing Technology :: Teaching Writing Education Essays
Creating A Writing Technology ââ¬Å"Enhanced separation of the known from the knower is probably the most fundamental value of writing, from its beginnings to the present. Between knower and known writing interposes a visible and tangible object, the text (Ong, 327).â⬠LOT 509 PLEASE PUT DRYWALL INSIDE THE GARAGE Above is what I wrote using my creative writing technology. I am a general contractor and have my own construction/home improvement company. The company is called Rock Water Construction. With my full school schedule I havenââ¬â¢t had the time to take on huge jobs. However I am able to take on Drywall jobs that donââ¬â¢t require a full days work to complete. I recently ordered drywall to be delivered on Thursday to finish a basement that I had been working on. Due to the upcoming weather predictions that called for rain, I decided to have the drywall put into the garage until I was able to move it to the basement, in order to protect it from the rain and also theft. I requested this from the drywall company and knew that it needed to be put into the garage, however if the driver didnââ¬â¢t happen to read the instructions on the invoice, the driver would have left the drywall by the curb. I was able to separate the known, (the drywall needed to be placed in the garage), from the knower, (my mind) through the tangible object (the sign) that contained my text. The house that I am working at is in a new subdivision so lot numbers are a lot easier to locate for the delivery drivers. ââ¬Å"There were other graphite deposits around the world, but their ore was not particularly pure. Impure ore crumbled or produced a scratchy lineâ⬠¦with his supply of English graphite permanently embargoed, the French pencil-maker Nicholas-Jaques Contà © learned to produce a workable writing medium by grinding the local graphite, mixing it with clay and water, and forcing the mixture into wooden casings (Baron, 44).â⬠Normally I would use a permanent marker or spray paint on a piece of wood to make my sign, however since I had to create a writing technology I chose to use charcoal and a piece of scrap drywall to create my ââ¬Å"textâ⬠.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Company Directorââ¬â¢s Duties
A company director is a person that has been appointed by shareholders or other directors to act in accordance with the Companies Articles of Association. The position of director is extremely sensitive. This is because one ought be fully aware of all their obligations, responsibilities and duties. In view of this, the UK government passed the Companies Act of 2006 to set out duties of the company director. (Butterworths Company, 2008) Company directorââ¬â¢s duties at Common law The Company directorââ¬â¢s duties were laid in previous legislations. However, in the year 2006, the UK parliament decided to codify these duties and also at the same time establish some new aspects to these obligations. According to common law, the company director was expected to accommodate employee interests. This was largely because it could heighten success within any respective company when implemented. Most of the companies that adhered to this principle would eliminate or reduce cases of litigation. (Kluwer, 2006) How it was codified Codification of company directorsââ¬â¢ duties occurred as a result of the company reform Bill that was proposed in November 2005. The purpose of the Bill was to modernise company law. This is because in the past, the duties of the company director were mainly laid out in case law. This left a lot of room for speculation as some of these duties were not well explained. These included issues about auditorââ¬â¢s liability, accountability, transparency and rules governing private companies. The Bill was then passed into law as the Company Act 2006. It should be noted that this new law is not simply a new creation, instead it has merged previous case law with statutory provisions. In summary, the codification of company directorââ¬â¢s duties creates a venue for making company directors exercise diligence, care, skill and independent judgement. The company director should look out for the interests of consumers, employees, and the environment in general. It should be noted that such an approach was not prevalent in the previous case laws. Now company directors need to watch out for the emission of pollutant gases and increased waste emission to the environment. (Thiaray, 2006) Codification of directorââ¬â¢s duties was also created for the purpose of clearly outlining the rules governing this role. This is because company directors can now have an understanding of their boundaries in simple language. This is especially so owing to the fact that the codification forbids benefiting out of company profitability. This means that company directors should operate within a given moral code. This also ascertains that most of the company shareholders are also able to understand the code. Consequently, company directors who choose to break it may find themselves in larger levels of problems than those who do not do the same. The following are the duties as laid out in the new statute; â⬠¢ the duty to consider all relevant issues when acting on behalf of the company â⬠¢ the duty to abide by company decisions and laws â⬠¢ the duty to treat company property as a separate entity from the company directorââ¬â¢s or shareholdersââ¬â¢ â⬠¢ the duty to record decisions made by the company director â⬠¢ the duty to apply special skills and improve oneââ¬â¢s knowledge about oneââ¬â¢s company â⬠¢ the duty to take up responsibility for assigning work to organisational members the duty to avoid potential conflicting scenarios between the director and the company. When this is inevitable, the company director must inform others of these conflicts immediately â⬠¢ the duty to seek counsel from other individuals outside the company- the latter is specifically applicable to financially challenging situations (Hannigan & Prentice, 2007) According to the Minister for industry and the Reg ions, this codification represents a shift from common law in one major way; it presents a unification of obligations to the shareholder and to the public. In the past, shareholderââ¬â¢s interests were considered contradictory to company directorââ¬â¢s duties because it was assumed when the company director was trying to protect the interests of shareholders, he would have to forego environmentalists rights and the interests of the general public. However, with introduction of the new law, now the two interests can be merged to work as one. The minister also asserted that the statute reflected a new method of doing business because it employed business sense. Overly, this new Act is trying to highlight how companies can incorporate social responsibilities into their way of business. The law had made provisions for suing company directors. However, owing to the fact the very few shareholders often conduct litigations against their bosses, then chances are that shareholders will not choose that option. The statute states that company directors are answerable to the company in case they breach their duties. However, it should be noted that a substantial amount of shareholders rarely conduct litigations against their company director. Reece & Ryan, 2007) The law has also assisted in the process of clarifying how the company director should act in case of a difficult decision making process. According to the statement of duties, the company director is supposed to consider the interests of the company rather than his own interests. It should be noted that there is a distinct difference between company dependants and company shareholders. Besid es that, the Act also lays out some specific issues that need to be incorporated in the decisions making process. There are numerous players that can be affected by the company directorââ¬â¢s choice. Consequently, company directors who follow the latter provisions are likely to heighten their chances of success than those who do not. It should be noted that success in this case is measured by a companyââ¬â¢s achievement of its long term objectives. The latter are usually laid out at the inception of the company or are revised by shareholders as they continue with their operations. Additionally, the statute talks about company directors ensuring that their words are often documented. It should be noted here that this requirement is not forced upon the company director; instead it merely prompts him. Precedent case The particular duty chosen for study in this case is the duty to consider all the relevant issues when acting on behalf of the company. . The case chosen for analysis is BAE vs. the state 2006. The latter company BAE was a supplier of war planes. In this particular case, it had been contracted by Saudi Arabia to supply those commodities to them. However, the BAE company was found to have involved itself in corruption. The company director who acted on behalf of the firm did not consider all the issues surrounding the reception of bribes. In order to secure the contract to supply Saudi Arabia with warplanes, the latter utilised bribery to secure the contract. This has the capability of affecting the whole of the United Kingdom. Saudi Arabia was providing assistance to Britain in its effort towards fighting terrorism. However, upon hearing the news of BAE companyââ¬â¢s decision, Saudi Arabia was angered and therefore discontinued their provision of aid to Britain. (Lorie, 2006) It should be noted that the Attorney general decided to cancel the inquires placed upon the representatives of that company especially the company director. This decision to halt inquiries was done secretly and it made it appear as though companies did not adhere to the duties of the company director. Many people asserted that the case brought into question a conflict between the rule of law and public interest. It should be noted that the latter two have been merged in the codification of company directorââ¬â¢s duties. But before that codification, the latter two seemed very conflicting. This is exactly what took place here. There were differing opinions about whether the companyââ¬â¢s directorsââ¬â¢ breach of duty can be questioned before the law. However, the case brought out the fact that it can be difficult to implement this law especially when the case involves a large company. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that the nature of the business conducted by the company was rather sensitive, some of the analysts of the case claimed that the issue of arms supplies kind of grants immunity to the respective parties and makes it extremely easy for company directors to get away with wrong doings. However, other experts asserted that the company has lost public confidence owing to the fact that the case was not tried properly. The Attorney general who holds three dockets; government chief officer, politician and legal advisor, may have overstepped his boundaries by letting this company go without giving it the right to defend its name in the public. It should be noted that consumers will have serious doubts about the integrity of the company and whether they can approach it for business in the future. (Lorie, 2006) The codification of code company directorââ¬â¢s duties also indicated the fact that a company director ought to consider all parties involved in a decisions; this refers to the shareholders and the public alike. However, before the code, the major emphasis was on shareholderââ¬â¢s interests alone. Consequently, the effect was that case law was a mere regulator rather than an implementer of the company directors duties. This means that when one commits a business crime as a company director, then they are not susceptible to face the full force of the law. In fact, the codification has assisted in laying out clear violations as some people may have problems ironing out what affects them and what does not. Overly, the latter case was never tried. Consequently, it is difficult to determine whether the respective director would have been made accountable for his crimes or whether he would have been set free. What one can conclude about this particular case is the fact that company directors tend to act with immunity. The UK government has a serious challenge of instituting the rule of law with regard to wealthy individuals like the one under trial. Buckley, 2005) Conclusion The codification of company directorââ¬â¢s duties was done in order to iron out some grey areas in this aspect. Additionally, it was done to ascertain that company directors act within the confines of economic and social responsibility. Company directors can no longer feign ignorance as a result of the complexities of such an approach. Also, they are likely to be ea sily detected in case they act poorly. Despite the latter positives, the UK government is still faced with a number of challenges in this sector. Some of the negatives that can emanate from the latter law are related to fear of looking for alternative solutions to problems plaguing a company. It is also possible that some people may be discouraged from vying for the post of company director due to these numerous rules. On top of that, the new laws do not match laws on punishing non compliance. The latter are still the same old methods that ere used in the past. This means that implementation of the company Act 2006 may be very difficult.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Microelectromechanical Systems And Emerging Technology Engineering Essay
The engineering that takes into history micro fabrication of micro graduated table transducers, actuators, investigations, capacitances, inductances, valves, cogwheels, pumps, gyroscope, mirrors, switches, and so on, similar to semiconductor french friess is referred to as Microelectromechanical Systems, or MEMS. MEMS is an emerging engineering which uses the tools and engineerings that were developed for the incorporate circuit. In kernel, MEMS are little and incorporate devices, which combine electronics, electrical every bit good as mechanical elements to run into the control related functional demands such as detection and propulsion. MEMS design engineering is an drawn-out signifier of traditional microelectronic IC fiction techniques. Unlike microelectronic IC engineering, MEMS engineering can manufacture capacitances and inductances every bit good as mechanical elements such as springs, cogwheels, beams, stop, and so on. It was impossible to manufacture these constituents using IC engineering. IC engineering can merely manufacture music directors, dielectrics, and junctions ( rectifying tubes and transistors ) . MEMS, hence, is an advanced engineering every bit far as micro fabrication of Microsystems are concerned. MEMS are softly altering the manner you live, in ways that you might ne'er conceive of. The device that senses your auto has been in an accident, and fires the airbag is a MEMS device. Most new autos have over a twelve MEMS devices, doing your auto safer, more energy efficient, and more environmentally friendly. MEMS are happening their manner into a assortment of medical devices, and mundane consumer merchandises. Examples of MEMS device applications include inkjet-printer cartridges, accelerometers, illumination automatons, micro engines, locks, inertial detectors, micro transmittals, micro mirrors, micro actuators, optical scanners, fluid pumps, transducers, and chemical, force per unit area and flow detectors. New applications are emerging as the bing engineering is applied to the miniaturisation and integrating of conventional devices. Fig. 1.a MEMS device via medias electronics, electrical and mechanical elements Conductors Resistors Capacitors Inductors Semi- music directors Insulators Diodes Transistors ELECTRICAL Components ELECTRONIC Components Mechanical COMPONENTS Anchor Radio beam Bearing Cantilever Diaphragm Flexure Gear Home plates Post Probe MICROLEVEL DIMENSIONCategorization of MEMSMechanical MEMS:They largely emphasize two categories of devices ; mechanical construction based device and piezoelectric stuff based device. When the geometric structural constellations are exploited for feeling and triping purpose so the MEMS design can be classified under the first class. Assorted geometric structural constellations are cantilever, beam, home base, stop and hollow chamber. Piezoelectric stuff based mechanical detectors and actuators exploit the consequence of piezoelectric effect. As piezoelectric effect concerns with mechanical belongingss such as emphasis and strain, piezoelectric effect stuff based MEMS devices have been classified under mechanical MEMS. Broadly, the mechanical MEMS use the undermentioned methods and rules. Cantilever beam as feeling component Use of plates/diaphragms construction for capacitive detection Microphones as sound detectors Exploitation of coriolis acceleration in gyroscope for angular rate Measurements Principle of piezoelectric effect and piezomechanics Cantilevers bend when force per unit area is applied and oscillate in a manner similar to spring. Cantilever detectors can be used for the sensing of physical, chemical and biological analytes with comparatively good sensitiveness and selectivity. The application countries are huge including acoustic measurings, quiver monitoring, viscousness and denseness measuring, infrared and UV sensing, magnetic and electric field sensing, sensing of chemical bluess, including medical and biological agents, measuring of contaminations in H2O, explosive bluess, atomic radiation and sensing of DNA. A mike is an electro-mechanical-acoustic transducer that transforms acoustical energy into electrical energy. These are air-coupled supersonic microsensors, which take the advantages of miniaturisation and low power ingestion offering a broad scope of applications such as sound sensing and analysis, wind noise flow turbulency detection and quiver detection. The rule of such detectors is based on the mechanical quiver of micro-membranes or stop. The stop is a thin, round membrane that makes up a capacitance with the land plane. The value of the electrical capacity alterations during the quiver cased by the sound signal. The distortion or divergence of the membranes from the normal value depends on the amplitude of the incident force per unit area ( sound force per unit area ) . Measurement of the angular rate of rotary motion is utile in many applications. A really common application is the measuring of the orientation or lean a vehicle running at high velocity in a curving way. MEMS gyroscopes are designed to mensurate angular rate of rotary motion. The gyroscope exploits the Coriolos acceleration through a microplate with rotation-induced sidelong warp being sensed capacitively. Piezoelectric stuffs such as lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) are assuring stuffs for MEMS applications due to their alone and singular belongingss. The PZT convert mechanical perturbations to electrical signals. Piezoelectric polymers are besides now being used abundantly as they offer the advantage of strain without weariness. Many MEMS accelerometers employ piezoelectric detection technique, using cantilever beams. Reverse of piezoelectric effect is called piezomechanics which can be exploited for the design of piezoactuators. MEMS mechanical detectors are really popular because of easy integrating process in the micromachining procedure. The basic challenge encountered in planing, nevertheless, is the execution of signal processing circuitry.Thermal MEMS:Thermal MEMS work on thermic phenomenon. Thermal phenomena are fundamentally described in footings of thermoelectric consequence, Peltier consequence, thermo sensitiveness, piezoelectric effect and form memory consequence. The topical topics under thermic MEMS include: Thermodevices including rule of thermocouple and thermopiles. Peltier heat pump and heat sink devices. Hotwire and microhotplate based thermic flow detector. Application of micro-thermo-vessels. U-shaped horizontal and perpendicular uni-and bidirectional thermal actuators. Chevron actuator. Thermocouple investigation for imagining, topography and informations storage applications.MOEMS:Micro Opto Electromechanical Systems is know as MOEMS. MOEMS are MEMS, but they handle optical signals alternatively of traditional electrical signals. MOEMS engineering accommodates the rules of optics, electronics and mechanics. MOEMS engineering requires a different set of regulations for operation as opposed to normal MEMS universe. MOEMS show good public presentation with negligible signal debasement and better quality of service ( QOS ) compared to traditional optoelectronic devices. High operational bandwidth and low power ingestion are the cardinal characteristics of MOEMS devices. MOEMS have emerged to supply alone functionality in telecommunication applications. Manufacturers of these devices are calculating new chances in information engineering, wellness attention, military, industrial, and trial and measuring sectors. Some of the most of import application of MOEMS are listed as follows. Free-space optical switches, routers and beam splitters. Concentrating constituents Tunable filters Display and projection systems Guided ocular devices and tunersMagnetic MEMS:Magnetic stuffs play of import function in planing MEMS detectors, actuators and storage devices. The magnetic stuffs could be soft or difficult. The usage of magnetic stuffs in MEMS is a recent development. Soft ferromagnetic stuffs have found the most public-service corporation in microsensors, microactuators and Microsystems. Hard magnetic stuffs have several applications including storage devices. Magnetoresistive ( MR ) stuffs are used for feeling applications. They are used for observing the strength and way of the magnetic field, which in bend can mensurate the distance, propinquity, place, angle and rotational velocity. The MR stuffs undergo a alteration in opposition in response to an applied magnetic field vector.RF MEMS:Wireless communications have existed for a long clip. New wireless communicating systems are being developed more quickly than of all time. Wireless engineering utilizes RF ( Radio Frequency ) signal, which is an electromagnetic ( EM ) signal. Radio frequence operates in the scope 9 Khz to 300Ghz. RF MEMS is an emerging engineering that plays a major function in speed uping the current growing in wireless communicating. The impact will be felt at all degrees in the wireless substructure from high-end transmittal Stationss to low-end consumer merchandises, particularly nomadic phones. RF MEMS add new capablenesss and improved power efficiency, while maint aining wireless devices little and low-cost. RF MEMS can be used for accomplishing: Transmission and response Time hold for phased- arrays VCO tuning Variable Delay Lines ( VDL ) RF set select filters Reconfigurable aerials design Intermediate frequence ( IF ) filteringMicrofluidic Systems:The survey of transit of fluids and their mixtures at a microscale degree is known as microfluidics. Microdevices, which are used to transport and hive away fluid, are called microfluidic systems ( MFS ) . Typically the MFS grip fluid volumes in the order of nanoliter. Some of the of import edifice blocks of microfluidic systems are: Microchannel Microvalves Micronozzles Micropumps Microreservoirs There are a great figure of applications of microfluidic systems. Some of the of import applications are inkjet printing, drug dispensing, reaction analysis, blending and separation, chemical synthesis, sensing of chemical species, familial analysis and semiconducting material processing. The advantages of MEMS compared to conventional fluidic systems are that the miniaturized system requires less reagent ( species or samples ) ensuing in faster, accurate and dependable measurings. Overall, the chief advantage of MFS is better public presentation. MFC requires building and design that significantly differs from macroscale hardware as the behaviour of fluid at microlevel is different. For illustration, the capillary action alterations significantly when the fluid base on balls through microscale diameter channels. As the graduated table becomes little the dimensions of a device achieves a certain size and the fluid particles or the solvent become comparable in size with the channel or the device itself. MFC are loosely used in semiconducting material processing engineering. The demand of MFS in the semiconducting material industry is for gas distribution and control. MEMS-based engineering can make force per unit area regulators, shut-off valves, and mass flow accountants ( MFC ) for electronics forte gases ( ESG ) distribution. The usage of MFS and faculties eliminates the size and figure of dyer's rockets and face seals used in incorporate gas control and distribution constituents. Regardless of the application spheres of MFS, the engineering design issues to be addressed are as follows: Precision alliance, truth, geometrical regularity and smoothness Mechanical parametric quantities such as opposition to chair and high force per unit areas. Architecture for complex construction and packaging denseness Standardization issuesBIO and CHEMO-Devices:Microdevices used for the analysis and sensing of biomedical and industrial reagents are called as bio and chemo-devices. Unlike MFS, bio and chemo-devices are diode-type, capacitor-type, transistor-type or 3D cantilever construction. Such devices for sample analysis for biomedical and industrial demands are still under development. Some of the applications are: Forensicss Familial showing Stress-response analysis Antibodies cistron look in transgenic cells Bio-warfare agents sensing Bacteria sensing Drug find, analysis and synthesisModeling AND SIMULATIONMEMS devices are designed on the footing of micromachining technique. Prior to their design, it is of import to analyze the behaviour of the systems. See a parallel home base capacitance type electrostatic MEMS actuator. If a electromotive force were applied across the two electrodes of the microactuator so the movable home base would be displaced ensuing propulsion. When an external forcing map is applied to the system a alteration may non happen at all. The alteration occurs merely when the input overcomes the loss constituent that is matter-of-fact in a existent system, the manner the system responds to the input depends on both input coercing map and on the other factors such as its geometry and the stuff utilizing which the system has been built. The jurisprudence of preservation of energy ever governs the relationship between the input and the end product of a system. In this instance the external forcing map could be a force, force per unit area or magnetic field. The of import thing is that each and every system can be seen through some signifier of regulating equations, which are formulated, based on the input and end pro duct relationships. The government equations are called as theoretical account equations or in other words the theoretical account equations represent the system. If exemplary equations are given it can be used directly off, else the equations have to be formulated merely by looking at the system. This is called as designation. Capacitor-based actuator is considered a simple dynamitic system and its analytic dynamic theoretical account equations can instantly be written as, C = a A / cubic decimeter ( T ) F = Q2 ( T ) / 2 a Angstrom I ( T ) = 1/R { V ( T ) ââ¬â Q ( T ) cubic decimeter ( T ) / a A } milliliter ( T ) = -bl ( T ) ââ¬â K { cubic decimeter ( T ) ââ¬â l0 } ââ¬â Q2 ( T ) / 2 a Angstrom Q ( T ) = 1/R { V ( T ) ââ¬â Q ( T ) cubic decimeter ( T ) / aA } Where, v ( T ) = commanding input electromotive force ; Q ( T ) = charge in the capacitance ; F = C force ; C = electrical capacity ; I ( T ) = current through resistance ; cubic decimeter ( T ) = air spread ; l0 = initial spread ( when V ( T ) is zero ) ; A = home base country ; a = permittivity ; R = opposition in the circuit ; m = mass of the top home base ; B = muffling changeless ; K = spring invariable;Fig. 1.b Model diagram of an electrostatic capacitive microactuator L0 ( T ) L0 ( T ) m R B Kââ¬â+I ( T ) V ( T )MEMS Packaging and Design ConsiderationsLike IC packaging, MEMS packages must hold the ability to run into some of import standards, such as There should be good isolation between the non-sensing and feeling countries of the device, There must non be any hinderance to the driving actions such as tilting, writhing, revolving, skiding, or vibrating, Efficient matching at the nexus, junction, anchor country, Unreliability issues due to the undermentioned grounds. Contamination Inactive overload Blending Lodging Clamping Delamination Creep FatigueMICROMACHININGThe term micromachining refers to the fiction of 3D MEMS constructions with the assistance of advanced lithography followed by etching. Lithography patterns the structural stuff whereas etching removes the selective part of the substrate or thin movie based structural and sacrificial stuff already deposited. In general, the micromachining procedure can either utilize the stuff to organize microstructures by etching straight into the stuff or utilize structural bed to bring forth the same. Sacrificial bed is etched off in order to obtain a separate 3D construction. Broadly, the fiction processes fall into two classs such as: Bulk micromachining Surface micromachining5.1 Bulk micromachining:Bulk micromachining is a procedure used to bring forth micromachinery or microelectrical mechanical systems ( MEMS ) . It refers to etching through both the sides of a majority of stuff to organize the coveted constructions. The constructions are formed by wet chemical etching or by reactive ion etching ( RIE ) . The advantage of majority micromachining is that substrate stuffs such as vitreous silica or individual crystal Si are readily available and moderately high aspect-ratio constructions can be fabricated. Normally, silicon wafers are used as substrates for majority micromachining, as they can be anisotropically wet etched, organizing extremely regular constructions. Wet etching typically uses alkalic liquid dissolvers, such as K hydrated oxide ( KOH ) or tetramethylammonium hydrated oxide ( TMAH ) to fade out Si which has been left exposed by the photolithography dissembling measure. These alkali dissolvers dissolve the Si in a extremely anisotropic manner, with some crystallographic orientations fade outing up to 1000 times faster than others. Such an attack is frequently used with really specific crystallographic orientations in the natural Si to bring forth V-shaped channels. The surface of these channels can be atomically smooth if the etch is carried out right, and the dimensions and angles can be exactly defined.5.2 Surface micromachining:Surface micromachining is another method that characterizes fiction of MEMS structures out of sedimentations thin movies, i.e, it involves the creative activity of mechanical constructions in thin movies already grown on the surface of the wafer. Layers from which the 3D constructions will be created may be composed of three beds as follows: Isolation bed: When Si substrate is used as the susbtrate, the first measure in surface micromachining is the deposition of an isolation bed. This bed is deposited with dielectric stuff such as Si dioxide ( SiO2 ) followed by a thin bed of Si nitrite. This acts as etch halt for many etchants. Sacrificial bed: Sacrificial bed is besides called spacer bed, which needs to be etched in order to make separate 3D construction. A phosphosilicate glass ( PSG ) bed os a preffered stuff for sacrificial bed. Structural stuff: this is the bed from which the construction will be built. The most common structural stuff in microfabrication is polysilicon ( poly-Si or merely poly ) . Polysilicon stuff based micromachining has been the anchor of the fiction engineering for many of the microsensors and actuators. Basic apprehension and control of the stuff belongingss of structural movies Let go ofing method for the microstructure Fabrication characteristics for hinged constructions and high-aspect ratio devices Boxing methods Fig 1.c, Surface micromachining Silicon has first-class mechanical belongingss doing it an ideal stuff for machining. The beds are deposited in sequence and later some selective parts of the sacrificial and structural beds are removed to construct up a 3D mechanical construction. Hydrofluoric acid can fade out the sacrificial bed. Rising and drying follow etching. Once done, the construction can be freed from the planar substrate. This is called release procedure. The surface micromachining procedure is a critical method, as it requires serious attending as the belongings of stuff significantly varies at the microstructure degree. In peculiar, following issues are dealt with careful attending.Market growing of MEMSPresently, MEMS market demands are going overpoweringly high. MEMS-based systems developers are concentrating on technological inventions, as they complete to offer merchandises that meet client demands every bit good as public presentation. The market increasingly is being strengthened by the fact that investing in MEMS is time-based value technology that meets the high industry demand. User and sellers are besides really sensitive to monetary value of the market while explicating market schemes, at least over short term. The value of MEMS merchandises increased 14 billion USD by the twelvemonth 2000, that was justly predicted during 1995. The market for RF MEMS devices is forecasted to turn to 1 billion USD by 2006. Towards the beg inning of the fourth one-fourth in the twelvemonth 1998, NEXUS ( The Network of Excellence in Multifunctional Microsystems ) undertaking force announced the first ââ¬ËMarket Analysis for Microsystems ââ¬Ë , for the period 1996-2002. Their survey included all types of Microsystems, including MEMS. It is estimated a jutting market growing of 14 billion USD to 38 billion USD by the twelvemonth 2002. Figure 1.c shows the illustration of market growing every bit far as gross revenues of MEMS merchandises are concerned. Figure 1.d shows approximative per centum of assorted types of MEMS devices in assorted sectors. Fig. 1.d, Market growing of MEMS based merchandises Fig 1.e, An approximative illustration of MEMS merchandises in assorted sectorsApplicationsMEMS devices have already found important applications in many sectors. They are used for commanding micromanipulator, micro-handling equipments, microgrippers and microrobots. Many MEMS devices are found in clock, ink-jet pressman caput, colour projection and show systems and scanning investigation equipments. MEMS engineering besides designs many types of detectors including force per unit area, temperature, chemical and quiver detectors. MEMS-based light reflectors, beam splitter, RF and optical switches are common. Broadly the application sectors are: Aircraft industries Automotive Chemical, clinical and pharmaceuticals industry Automation industry and fabrication sectors Defense and infinite applications Environmental Communicationss Health scientific discipline ( Pacemakers ) Calculating ( Data storage devices, show, publishing caput ) Consumer merchandises
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